Junkees giveaway: 12 boxes of Proper Crisps - Closed
Proper Crisps will send 12 boxes to 12 people, one box each. Oh! Thanks :)

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There are 12 boxes to giveaway, to 12 people, ergo one box each if you're in the draw.
Get in draw by doing the following:
- Get a selfie with a bag of Proper Crisps using your phone.
- Email the photo and your postal address to hi@nearly.com.au by 11:59 PM Sunday 9 June.
- Put on your lucky socks! (Optional)
We'll let 12 successful entrants know if some Proper Crisps are on the way!
One thing to note. The boxes have 12 packets of one flavour in them. So you get a bunch of one flavour.
In the email with the selfie mention which of the following flavours you'd prefer.
- Marlborough Sea Salt
- Cider Vinegar
- Rosemary & Thyme
- Big Cut Dill Pickle
- Big Cut Cracked Pepper
- Cheezapeno Tortilla
Or, roll the potato dice and leave it up to the chip-gods!