Other podcasts listeners listen to!

We found some great data from listeners who support their favourite podcasts through Lenny.fm - other shows you enjoy!
If you're looking for some new podcasts over summer, these might be to your taste.
Other podcasts listeners like you are supporting through Lenny.fm
- The Imperfects (Ryan Shelton and Josh van Cuylenburg)
- Good Banter with Tom Siegert and Evan Hocking
- Four Burners with Josh Earl
- JunkTime AFL podcast with Adam Rozenbachs and Michael Chamberlin
- Do Go On (Matt Stewart, Jess Perkins and Dave Warneke)
- Fighter Pilot Podcast
- Midnight Burger
- The Mess Around (Richard Stubbs)
- Couple of Blokes
- The Herald Sun Footy Podcast
Suggestions welcome!
Email me and we'll put together a big list.
About Lenny.fm
It's a great way we built to support podcast creators so they make more great shows for you.
It's not a new podcast app - you've already got one of those sorted out!
Login and choose 4 or more podcasts to support.
This creates your personal bundle that get an equal share of your monthly subscription.
It's US$4 a month for now and that gets split between the podcasts you choose.
If they don't publish an episode in the previous month, they don't get the money. It's reallocated to other shows you've chosen.
Thanks to everyone who's supporting Somehow Related and other podcasts through Lenny.fm
Very grateful for your support, and that you're supporting a bundle of shows.
More information - go to lenny.fm
Please consider it if you're a regular listener!
Here are the shows I'm supporting!

"We" built it?!?!
Me, Courtney (editor of Junkees, Somehow Related et al) and some friends who are software developers.
It came about after years of trying to think of an easy way independent podcast creators could get meaningful support.
It's still new, could look and work a bit better but you have to start somewhere!
We've already paid out money to podcasts in California, Hong Kong, Australia, the UK and more places around the world.