Every published episode of Somehow Related so far, 200.

Here comes the muuussssiiiiic!

Every published episode of Somehow Related so far, 200.

Milestone episode 200 is out!

Here's a list of all the Somehow Related episodes published to date, in reverse order (newest to oldest).

200 proper full episodes.

The list has some bonus episodes in there too, so there's 206 total.

It's been quite a journey since Nazis and Fanta, many moons ago.

And it's not about the number of episodes - it's about the stories, the thinking music, Sam and the answers!

Remember when every second episode was two of Dave's favourite things?

Or when Glenn wanted to sue the council?

Or when Make Believes started replacing the Thinking Music?

Or the first Christmas episode?

Or Sam Pang at the first live show?

We'd love to hear some of your highlights.

Send us an email to hi@nearly.com.au

Or share in the Facebook Group.

We relealised the other day that a significant proportion of episodes have been recorded during  the pandemic. Two solid years but we didn't miss a week (happy to be corrected).

So glad you've been listening, whenever you joined the pod.

Every episode links to the podcast episode so you can listen and get the show notes.

Starting with the most recent episode.

You made it this far!

Something extra since you're here.

This is a version of the artwork we knocked back. Has some charm but didn't feel right.